What is Veto Power

the permanent member states at the UNSC, and also have a special voting power known as the 'right to veto'

Veto power means that if any one of the permanent members of the UN Security Council states casts a negative vote in a pending UNSC decision, the resolution cannot be approved.

The veto power is possibly the most significant difference between a permanent member and a non-permanent member.

According to Article 27 (3) of the UN Charter, Council will take all decisions with "the concurring votes of the permanent members".

As of Now, Russia has used its veto 118 times, the US 82 times, the UK 29 times, France 16 times, and China 17 times

The USSR first used the veto power for India in 1957 over the Kashmir issue.

USSR used its 100th veto in 1962, and this time again, in favour of India.

The US had cast its first veto in 1970

France used the veto for the first time in 1956

China has used the veto 18 times. One was used by the Republic of China (ROC) 

 17 have been cast by the People's Republic of China after it succeeded ROC as a permanent member in 1971.